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Taking care of your health

Continuous improvements
Makes you feel safer
Information transfer between patient and doctor

EpilepTech offers a solution for all those epilepsy patients that aim to improve their life quality.


Our portable device can monitor your EEG activity the 24hours of a day and recognise if you are suffering a seizure. Through this information, your caregiver is warned about the situation and can assist you.



What is EpilepTech?

Someone can assist you when you are suffering a seizure. They also have the possibility to immediately call an ambulance.

Continuous improvements
Makes you feel safer
Info transfer patient/doctor

All the registered information about your brain activity is further available for the doctor. He will also have information about your feelings before and after the seizure, through a short test in your app.

Feedback to the doctor will make it possible to improve your treatment.


The seizure detection algorithm updates itself as it gets more data. 

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